Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DAY - something....

I have been slacking on my blog posts as of late, but I pretty much have a fully operational droid.  I took him out for a spin at our OSWCC (Ohio Star Wars Collectors Club) summer social a few weeks back.

Here are some photos - mostly featuring my nephew, Kaden.  This little dude has known R2 pretty much for his entire life.  For two years old, he is incredibly respectful of the droid (my thoughts are that he is still a little scared of him).  As far as I know, he has no idea that his Uncle Scott is controlling him.

A little "color splash" (ipad app) magic on this one:

Standing proud without the aid of photoshop.  He is REALLY clean....I need to get some weathering on him, but as long as I can take him out in public, that will have to wait.

Kaden checking him out.  He has only seen R2 in the workshop, mostly in pieces:

Confidence growing.  He knows what doors to open, and what switches to throw.

Ready for a run around the hall.

And the winner is.... R2, by a holo.

At 6', I look like a shrimp next to my 501st and Rebel Legion Brothers.


I will eventually get back to updating build-related stuff.  I am currently working on an automated system that will run the top panel servos to actuate the doors via an iPhone app.  Yes, you heard correct.  One of our outstanding members, CuriousMarc created an iPhone app that interfaces with R2 via a dedicated WiFi signal to control dome action, lights and sounds.

I have the boards assembled, and thanks to great assistance by Skip Hollowell, I got the micro controller boards programmed and ready to hook up.  Unfortunately, the weekend was cut short by a business trip, and further production will have to wait a while.

Sorry for the lack of updates, but the last couple of weeks have primarily consisted of final assembly and tweaking of the electronic goodies.  R2 performed like a champ on his first outing.  Thank you to OSWCC for the invite !

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